Simple Dinner Ideas Using Ingredients

Simple dinner ideas using ingredients is how I have changed my focus in the kitchen. It’s time to simplify our lives and enjoy the process of meal planning, grocery shopping, and dinner prepping. Give yourself grace in the kitchen Dinner stumps a lot of people because often we over complicate what dinners should look like. We watch Food Network, scroll […]

How To Meal Plan Fast

I know many of you must think that setting up a meal plan for the week, or even for a month is one of the hardest and most difficult chores to do. So frustrating in fact that you choose not to do it, only to find that your week of dinners doesn’t go very smoothly. You see, when we don’t […]

Meal Plan For The Week Saves Money

Making a weekly meal plan can save you so much money. Meal planning does not need to be difficult, so let me show you how I easily complete this task to help fuel out week! Monthly Grocery Budget We budgeted $650 for groceries for the month of October. When we meal plan for the week, we are able to stick […]

Bulk Buying Food Can Save You Money

I have found that if I go do a “bulk buying food” shopping trip at the beginning of each month to buy staple ingredients that we use the most, like peanut butter, oats, maple syrup, frozen fruit, etc. Then, my weekly grocery shopping trips are much more tolerable! We are creatures of habit, and we enjoy eating many of the […]

Cheap Healthy Foods On A Budget

In this article you will learn about the best cheap healthy foods on a budget, to keep your grocery budget low. Figuring out how to get that grocery budget down can be hard, especially if you are stuck in a rut of buying the same processed foods and worried that healthier options are more costly. There have been many ad-campaigns […]

Inexpensive and Easy Dinner Ideas For Others

Inexpensive and Easy Dinner Ideas For Others One of the greatest gifts we can ever give to others is blessing them with a meal. It’s the one thing that bears a burden on a mother’s heart when she isn’t feeling well or isn’t able to cook her family dinner. Dinner can be a serious burden to others, even when we […]